Game Jam Plus news! We are the Latinamerica winers!

So, turns out we are among the finalists for the 2020 Game Jam Plus. We won the first place in Latin America competing with around 50 other teams and will be going against the rest of the world in a couple of weeks.

We took the game jam as an oportunity to basically start learning how to use Unity. The only thing we made previously was one kinda-narrrative game on 2018, but havent touched Unity since so we thought the horrid stress and inhuman deadlines in this kinds of events are perfect for us lazy bums to learn the hard way. And we did.

The finalist anouncement video can be seen over here:

Our game is not great, but hey, we almost know Unity now, so mission fucking accomplished!!

If you want to test our almost-game, you can get it as allways from over here:

It is shitty, but just think of the possibilities! (minidoom3 maybe????????)

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