Hell Razer

The Hell Razer from Doom2016 is here. And this enemy is so much damn fun!

This is enemy is just a basic roamer that will shoot you if you are near its range. But hell razers’ attacks are a beam that will instantly hit you if you are in its path.

To give the player a chance to dodge, the Hell Razer telegraphs its attack. The laser has to charge up before it is deadly, so you have a split second where you can see the path of the beam and react to it.

Hell Razers are tougher than imps, but they’re attacks aren’t more difficult to avoid, just different. You can still duck under the beam, or try to jump over it or dodge it. Get many of this guys in a room and it gets hectic, really cool.

Hell Razers Rave parties can get too hot

These fun-loving demons and many more will be here soon!

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